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Earth Is Big ! It's 40,076,594 Kms. at equator. Vertically around the Meridian line of longitude, it is 40,009,152 Kms. It's Surface covers 510,100,00 Sq.Kms. It Splits up into 149,400,000 Kms of land and 360,700,00 Kms of Oceans. The distance between Earth and Sun is 149,509,000 Kms.(Want more?) Between moon and Earth the gap is of 384,365 Kms. But the Space is big. Really really big!!!
Well, by the way, how do you know it?
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Thanks to "Sargam", which has sheltered the planetarium after the Rajkot municipal corporation launched it on 22nd January 1994 at an 'astronomical' cost of Rs. 1 Crore.
From the moment 'Sargam' took charge of it, this 'modern monument' of the city has gone under remarkable transformation. After the Success Saga of 'Sargam' club, 'Sargam' Health club, 'Sargam' Ladies club,'Sargam' Children club and library with 'Sargam' Kalamandir and 'Sargam' Library for women, this privilege had multiplied the image of 'Sargam' club as a whole. Fully air-conditioned sky theater, latest sound system and hi-tech machinery talks of the dedication and vision of a team with a spirit of socialism.
planetorium_3.gif (19091 bytes) For it's the involvement of SARGAM team that today thousands of people come and look up at the Kaleidoscopic dome of the planetarium in awe. Anybody who wants to travel literally into space may somewhat fulfill the desire by paying a visit to 'SARGAM' managed Planetarium. With the help of Rs.10 million SkyMaster machine you can become almost an astronomer yourself! Then there are slide-shows and Live-shows of special events. And,  by the way, what's the cost of catching stars? Frankly speaking, peanuts.


Gunvantbhai Delavala
President (Sargam Club)
Dr. Chandaben Shah
Ushaben Patel
Contact : Racecourse Ground,Nr. Swimming pool,
Rajkot- 360 001. 
Phone: 91-0281-442687
Donation Is Deducted From Income Tax.The Check Should be drown in  favor of Sargam Club.




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