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health1.gif (18840 bytes)There is an old saying: "When money is lost nothing is lost, when health is lost something is lost. But when character is lost everything is lost". In fact, in today's world, health & character holds the same importance. It means health is the key-thing in this era.

With a vision to create a "Healthy Society. Better Society", the foundation of Sargam Health Club was laid in 1998.

health3.jpg (25744 bytes)In Gujarat, especially among Gujarati ladies, the proportion of health & body consciousness had been almost negligible. But today 90% women want to become beautiful as well as maintain their figure. To fulfill the need "Sargam Health Club" has set up all the modern equipments & a team of well trained specialists in addition to different exercises of Arobics at the premises of "Sargam Health Club". Well, the purpose of this a la mode health club is not just to trim the flab on your body or to minimise the girth on your waistline, but to acheive total health. This is acheived through various exercises and activities like Aerobics and Yoga. Things like these are very helpful for patients of Diabetes and illness of G.I. System. "Sargam" wants everybody to glow with healthy radiant bodies!

health2.gif (23216 bytes)Once again "sargam" brought out its magic wand! In the entire history of Saurastra-Kutch, for the very first time the "SARGAM Health Club" has acheived the privilege of being one of the top ten health clubs in Gujarat.

Tired of exercise? No problem! "Sargam Health Club" provides you indoor games like Chess, Carrom, Table Tennis, etc., for your mental fitness and also entertainment.
Gunvantbhai Delavala
President (Sargam Club)
Dr. Chandaben Shah
Ushaben Patel
Contact :
Sargam Health Club, Jam-Tower Road,
Nr. Bankers Ground,  Nr. I.O.C. Quarters
Rajkot- 360 001. 
Phone: 91-0281-448475.
Donation Is Deducted From Income Tax.The Check Should be drown in  favor of Sargam Club.



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