"SARGAM" has endeavored with great dedication to convert this place from merely a crematorium into a sui generis monument in the history of Rajkot city. Here are some facts and features!

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Unlike any such places on the globe, this crematorium is having a special library where books of spiritual and religious interest are made available for the visitors. Situated besides the Satsang Bhavan, this library had been formerly used as an exclusive crematorium for the Royal Family. Today, standing tall with all of its majestic beauty, this memoir of bygone era is converted into a library that spreads lights of knowledge through Books, Periodicals and Newspapers available here. SARGAM sets yet another missionary milestone.

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There are three Rest-Points at different locations of "MUKTIDHAM". These umbrella-shaped points are made of marble and serve the purpose of protecting visitors from heat or rain. Each pillar of these umbrellas are embedded with exotic statues of deities. Moreover, methodically located five Water Coolers constantly supply the pure & cool drinking water in "MUKTIDHAM". A lush green foliage around the perimeters of this Umbrella ractify the beauty of it that straightly goes to the hearts of every visitor.

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"SARGAM" philosophy to do everything in unique way is clearly felt everywhere in entire "MUKTIDHAM"! Take one step, and there is life-size sculpture of Lord Shri Krishna giving the sermons of Geeta Updesh or a marvellous painting of Shri Vasudeva holding the basket of Kahan, or for that matter, a fabulous fresco of Raja Harishchandra living out the life of truth against all odds. And these are just the glimpses! Because when one takes a look at the grand depiction of "Ganga Avataran", where the whole saga is captured on stone through nearly 35 feet high sculpture of Lord Shiva and the birth of Ganga through his head, one finds it irresistible to applaud aloud.
Pleasant greenery and an elegant fountainhead built around the premises adds up to its glory. All in all, a beautiful example of how the 'Spirit Of Sargam' works!
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The separate unit consists of 12 well-equipped bathrooms where continuous supply of hot & cold water is made available round-the-clock. Eco-friendly and hygienic, this place conserves energy by using the solar power in the daytime. Until the "SARGAM" took charge of "MuktiDham", essential facilities like this were hard to find. But today Muktidham has everything essential to give the best services to visitors.
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"SARGAM" is a synonym for beauty and harmony in every action! As a testimony, there are numbers of step gardens in "MUKTIDHAM". After long hours of hard work "SARGAM" had built a rich spectrum of colorful flowers and tender shrubs along with wonderful sculptures. As a result, everywhere the land of "MUKTIDHAM" bears the indelible impressions of God in its beautiful Stetp Garden and fascinating sculptures.


The Pearl Gates The Airconditioned Prayer Hall
Eelctric Cremetorium Satsang  Bhavan
The Conventional  Crematorium The Temple of Lord Shiva
The One of its kind Maintaning The Magic "SARGAM" way!

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