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Nç’le cuze vze Au SCbtk, Nwk ctujeyu ?
lu ;bu mbS Nftu lnek bitlbtk, Nwk ctujeyu ?
cnth WCt ntu; ;tu ;mJehle aato fh;
yt ybu WCt Aeyu ;mJehbtk, Nwk ctujeyu ?

chha-akshar.gif (6259 bytes)

The world is divided into People who have come into close contact with this guy and those who haven't. And, if by any chance, you happen to be a Gujarati, or if by any chance, you know the Gujarati language - then you should + must + ought to + know him !

Ramesh Parekh, a poet by default is a person who worship the 'word', bows his head at the altar of alphabet the moment he wakes up and, when he sleeps, language plays with him in dreams.

For Gujarati language he has done so much that it is almost impossible to write down all the things about him here. As a matter of fact, you'll have to wait very long to download his work, and will need a really big hard-disk! Period.

Because ...  

yuf vAe yuf vh’t Qkafu hbuN
htus Jnkuau Au lJt mvlt hbuN


yt m’ebtkk ntuJkw :tlu "Lg;t
yt m’ele dwsht;e Dxlt hbuN

Poetry is Ramesh and vice versa ! He has walked almost half a century on this earth and in all these years he has travelled with pocket full of beautiful words. In his poetry you'll find beautiful shades of life, ranging from Love to Pain to Friendship to Heaven to Rain to Hunger to Death to Flower to Riots to almost anything. He is a master of Brand New Ways and blaster of beaten path. Ramesh writes everything and writes it well. He is a living example of a 'Candle burning at both ends'. Just flip throug his books and you'll find his craftsmanship, creativity and Charishma. You'll find him in collections of poetry like "Kyan", "Khading", "Twa", "Sanann", "Khamma Ala Bapune", "Mira Same Paar", "Vitan Sud Bij", "Chha Akhshar Nu Naam", and collection of stories like "Jantar Mantar Chhu", "De Talli", "Hafrak Lafrak", or Plays like "Tarkhat", "Suraj Ne Padchhayo Hoi", "Sagpan Ek Ukhanu"


btht A yûthlt ltb vAe nkw Cqjtu vzgtu ntuS
;wk hM;u st;tk QCe hne ;u ;lu szgtu ntuS
yCtJ mD¤tu Fhe vzgtltk :tg ylwCJ yuJt
ftuE ;hV vK dgt rJlt nwk c"u jtd;tu JnuJt

Mira, Sonal, Ala Khachar.... all these symbols reflects his love for the Gujarati language and takes us to a point where we can feel his expression of impression in our heart, mind and soul.


"ebu "ebu Zt¤ W;h;e xufheytule mtFu
;blu Vwj ’e"tlwk gt’
fuzmbtKe jejtu;hebtk FwÕjtk Fu;h ;h;tk
mtulj, ;blu Vwj ’e"tltk¥k yJmh:e le;h;tk
;bu ybthe n:u¤eytu CUfth fuxjeJth
xuhJtk Che veDtlwk gt’
-ybu ;bthe xdhVqj_Ne xdhxdh;e ytkFu
rsgj Íwjt ÍÕgtlwk gt’
behtk fu¥ v{Cw yhS :Elu WCt Aeyu Õgtu, Jtkatu !
vd:e bt:tk jde ntkrmgtu vtze jrFgt Jtkf
ytswctsw jFe c¤;ht, Jåau jrFgtu :tf
avxef zqbtu jF;t SJ vze øgtu ftatu
beht fu v{Cw, cnw fhaje vze dE Au btkne
yûth ftuK Wfuju sult vh Z¤e ntu Ntne
Jze fauhe ;bu nrh, nwfb ytvstu mtatu


ytjt ctvw ytÔgt Au, ytÔgt Au
mt:u Nwk Nwk jtÔgt Au ? jtÔgt Au ?
ht;e jchf ytkÏgwk jtÔgt
ytkFtubtk yzmètu jtÔgt
yzmètbtk hKJx jtÔgt
µtl yuf vqAfètu jtÔgt, jtÔgt Au, jtÔgt Au.
bqAChujwk bM;f jtÔgt
bM;fbtk yuf "tzwk jtÔgt
"tzu "tzu hig; jtÔgt
:edrzgwk hsJtzwk jtÔgt, jtÔgt Au, jtÔgt Au.


vtl Vhfu ylu mD¤t v{mkdtu gt’ ytJu
m¤ele Xum:e skdj m¤kd gt’ ytJu
nwk dwjbntuhlu stuô lu dwjbntuh blu
ftulu stuElu ftulu ftult hkd gt’ ytJu


bthe frJ;t nsw ;tu
rJµltk ntuX vh bU fhujwk v{:b awkcl Au


ò, l:e vnuhJt fvztk
bthu l:e vnuhJtk !
ju, Fbem...
ju, a¨e ...
fvztk l:e vnuhJt ...
vJl ylu ;zftug fvztk fgtk vnuhu Au ?
fgtk vnuhu Au Fbema¨e ltdwk_vwdwk ÍhKwk ?
òulu, Ítz Atkgze htus b¤elu
atuhrmvtE hb;t
CKJt ftuK òg Au ?
rFmftujelu btuh atuvze fgtk Jtkau Au ?
V¤egtltu QkDKNe jebztu mtJ XtuX Au.
;tug fuxjtu Ôntujwztu jtdu Au ?
v;krdgt ;tu ytÎDb ytDu òg
Jt’¤tk l’e;¤tJu "qcfu "qcfu Lntg
yublu ftuE JZu Au ?
ct, nwk ;thtu ln´ ltlegtu,
;wk bthe ct ln´,
;lu st, Eètrfèt !


yuf Atufhtu JkXwJkXw :tg Au
lu dtb Au ;u bkr’hu nrhdwK dtg Au!
Atufhtuu su :tuzwfje meèeltu Zdjtu
lu :tuzwfje bqAltu WDtz ntug
yulu fgtk:e bkr’hle Ítjh mkC¤tg ?
yult AtufhtvKtlu Nule ytz ntug ?
lJe Jth;tlwk vtlwk jFtg Au
lu dtb Au ;u bkr’hu nrhdwK dtg Au.
Atufhtltk JkXJtlt fthKbtk r’Jmtu,
yhemtu, cdeatu lu vtu;u Au.
Wvhtk; mvltlwk bt;ujwk "tzwk
su mtbu:e Atufhtlu dtu;u Au.
ylu Atufhtlwk jtune JjtuJtg Au
lu dtb Au ;u bkr’hu nrhdwK dtg Au.


v{ðguf jejtu;he bthe m•ttltu vrhD Au,
btht sLb mt:u fw’h;u blu ’e"ujtu yu Wvnth Au.
rJµbtk ;qx;t yuft’ vtl:eg
bthe m•tt Fkrz; :tg Au.


yuKu jt; bthe
lu vJlbtk vze dgtu Ftztu.


yt Nnuh ;bthtk blmqct W:jtJe ’u, fnuJtg ln´
yt anuht vh cestu anuhtu ravftJe ’u, fnuJtg ln´
yt mkfu;tu, yt mk’Ctuo, yt yVJtytu, yt Dxltytu
ytFuytFtu lfNtu fgthu c’jtJe ’u, fnuJtg ln´

He plays with words like a little boy plays with his favourite toy and as an end-result you get the rich experience of rediscovering your own self. His words are his own -not an echo of somebody else. He is a proverbial 'mother' of so many great poetries.

Born in 1940, Ramesh Parekh, has lived various moods & emotions with very analytical & logical attitude with a heart of a poet. He is for Gujarati what 'Kalidas' is for Sanskrit or 'Shakespear' is for English or 'Dostoyevskis' is for Russion or 'Tagore' is for Bengali or 'Ghalib' for urdu!

Currently residing in Rajkot. he spends his time in creation with pen & ink.


l:e mbt;tu yts nJu ;tu
nwk yt btht A yûthbtk

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