SHRI HARI DESAI (Chairman) / SHRI PANKAJ RAWAL (Member Secretary)
Gujarat State Non Resident Gujaratis’ Foundation
NRG/NRI Board Established & Financed by the Government of Gujarat
Block # 16, 3rd Floor, Udyog Bhavan, Gandhinagar, India.
Phone Office    : (00 91 2712) 38278 OR 38280
Fax             : (00 91 2712) 38279
e mail          :
Website         :
KALPAK MANIAR - Director, Gujarat State Non Resident Gujaratis’ Foundation
M/s. Arvindkumar Maniar & Co. - Chartered Accountants,
"Abhay Nivas", 14, Panchnath Plot, Rajkot, INDIA - 360 001.
Phone Office    : (00 91 281) 445700 OR 445800 OR 444599
Fax             : (00 91 281) 443599
Phone Residence : (00 91 281) 477800 OR 449254
cell            : (00 91    ) 98240 45633
e mail          :
MUKESH SHAH - Director, Gujarat State Non Resident Gujaratis’ Foundation
M/s. Jay Engineers, Keshav Kunj, 3rd Floor, Jethabhai Park, Narayannagar Road, Ahmedabad, INDIA - 380 007.
Phone Office    : (00 91 79) 6607812 OR 6600325
Fax             : (00 91 79) 6620741
Phone Residence : (00 91 79) 6631069
cell            : (00 91    ) 98240 52040
Dear sir,
We  wish  and  would like to establish and maintain ties with our culture and the mother state  - Gujarat.  Our details are as under. We would be happy to  receive communication  from  the NRG Foundation and would  circulate  the same to our members.
NAME OF THE ORGANISATION__________________________________________________
POSTAL ADDRESS____________________________________________________________
PHONE/s________________________________________________Total Members______
FAX    _________________________ E MAIL___________________________________
NAME OF THE KEY PERSON 1._________________________________________________
DESIGNATION - President/Chairman/Organiser/_______________________________
POSTAL ADDRESS____________________________________________________________
FAX    _________________________ E MAIL___________________________________
NAME OF THE KEY PERSON 2._________________________________________________
DESIGNATION - Secretary/Co-ordinator/___________________________________
POSTAL ADDRESS____________________________________________________________
FAX    _________________________ E MAIL___________________________________
__________________     ______________________     _______________________
       Date                                                                   Place                                                                          Signature